cheetos - ‘Teach Me How To Curl’

You might not think cheesy curly puffs would be a likely partner for the US Olympic Curling team, but you would be wrong. Through a masterful web of schedule arrangements, custom thrones, NFL superstars, celebrities and backup dancers, and a CGI cheetah, Teach Me How To Curl became an internet sensation (with 1.5 billion impressions!) that followed the US curling team all the way to the medal platform where they brought home the gold! 


  • Client: Cheetos 

  • Agency: The Marketing Arm

  • EP: April Dace 

  • Director: Jeff Venable 

  • Producer: Kent Hammond 

  • AD: Dwayne Logan 

  • DP: Joel Edwards 

  • Gaffer: Ted Ayd 

  • Audio: Dennis Townes

  • Art: Chris Ashley 

  • HMU: Christine Wasilewski, Carol Federman 

  • Wardrobe: Samantha Roe 


Glidden: Color Is Everywhere


Netflix - Master of None (Nashville)